
“Amaizing” Corn From Inaba Farms

Amaize sweet corn is the sweetest and crispiest corn you’ll ever taste! The kernels pop right off the cob as soon as you bite into them and have as texture and sweetness that you just need  to experience.

Amaize corn is the result of 20+ years of time-consuming hybridization by George Crookham and Bruce Hobdey. Hybridization is a traditional, natural breeding method people have been using for thousands of years – it’s not genetically modified. The duo tested well over 10,000 variations of corn and perfected the best sweet corn you’ll ever taste!

We’ll be featuring Amaize corn in our dishes starting August, and we source them locally from Inaba Farms in Wapato, WA. Try our Summer Corn Succotash and Grilled Honey Chipotle Corn. 

Side, Spring Succotasch

Corn, Chipolte Honey


WildFin American Grill
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